Tech Task - How to Secure your Smartphone!

I think that with our growing social society, our smartphones have become a big part of our every day technology and lives. I created this post because I think rather than teaching someone how to make a meme or create bookmarks, it will be way more beneficial to teach you how to keep your phone secured from real-life everyday threats, such as hackers. Source here . Ways to secure your smartphone: 1. Use a strong password. It's known that the majority of smartphones nowadays have a passcode to access the phone. Use a number/ letter sequence that's unpredictable, for instance don't use your date of birth. 2. Turn off lockscreen notifications. By switching this off, strangers won't be able to read your notifications, over your shoulder, in the case of a robbery, and someone else gets their hands on your phone. 3. Discard automatic Wifi connections to known networks. There's a chance that a cybercriminal will establish his own fak...